Friday, November 30, 2007

C'est la vie -- tres bonne! (4)

At a morning market that starts at 5 am, there are so much frensh food.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

C'est la vie -- tres bonne! (3)

Every night, if the weather is good, you can see this sun set from the hotel window.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

C'est la vie -- tres bonne! (2)

In Noumea, the capital city of New Caledonia, I found an interesting sushi restaurant. Isn't this so French and tropical at the same time...??

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

C'est la vie -- tres bonne! (1)

I've just come back from my eleven-day vacation in New Caledonia. I simply enjoyed seeing the spectacular scenes and colors that needs no further explanation. From today, I'll show you one scene per day...stay tuned. Today's photo is Nokahui Island.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Luxuary Sadness

Shinjuku 43 km -- a green sign appeared in the dark, toward which many back-lights were driving like taking off.

On Sunday late evening, when returning from a trip, I love the moment that reminds me that it is the nation's capital where I'm coming back to start a week the next day.

It's sad because it clearly shows the weekend is over. But it's luxuary sadness, sort of.

I remembered having the same luxuary sadness when I saw the "Washington 160 miles" sign lit by my head light as I was coming back from a weekend trip to Ocean City in Maryland.

Yeah, I love the idea that I live and work in the nation's capital, that I have this little space of my car all to myself, and that I can listen to whatever music I like in the car......all this makes me feel I'm a true-blue yuppie:)