Monday, January 22, 2007

Coffee Break 4PM

Somehow, I can't sleep well tonight. I sorted out my apartment like crazy this weekend, so must be tired. But I'm so excited about many ideas about this's no use just to kill time in bed, so here I'm writing.

Many people might wonder why this blog is titled "Coffee Break 4PM" in the first place. Why not 3PM? Or just afternoon tea? Well, there is a good reason.

It was the summer of 1999. Looking back, I think it was one of the most dreamy times in my life. With all the perseverance and effort needed to apply for graduate school and scholarship -- TOEFL, GRE, essays, letters of recommendation, interviews, writing tests, etc. etc. -- I was finally accepted by the first choice school and sponsor. Now the pressure was all gone; and it was just before the new pressure from graduate school began.

Under the brilliant sun and on the gorgeous campus, I attended summer school at Stanford, assigned by my sponsor. The program was quite intensive, from 9 am to 3:50 pm, everyday. So, it was such a relief to have iced coffee in the bookstore cafe with my classmates at 4 pm.

Everyone was so friendly and open, sharing the same priceless, liberating, happy moment....

I sometimes wonder if I could have such a wonderful coffee break know what, I have a hunch that I'm sure I will.......:)

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